CNAs and Vaccination: An Issue of Trust
The nursing home medical director may be the best source of accurate COVID-19 vaccine information to encourage CNAs still on the fence to sign up.
Lori Porter
Although COVID-19 vaccination rates for certified nurse assistants (CNAs) have increased significantly since the beginning of the year, many CNAs remain unvaccinated, for a variety of reasons.
As someone who worked for many years as a CNA and who now heads the largest professional association for CNAs, I believe that doctors who serve as medical directors for nursing homes hold the key to persuading those CNAs who are persuadable to get vaccinated and protect residents, their co-workers, their loved ones, and themselves.
Why do I say that? Because trust is a huge issue for CNAs, and they are more likely to trust the medical directors at their facilities to give them accurate, honest information about the vaccines than just about anyone else.
Medical Directors are Local Experts
According to a new guide from the federal government for building CNAs’ confidence in the COVID-19 vaccines, CNAs who are most resistant to getting vaccinated also tend to trust their employers the least. Among those they trust most: local medical experts. This is critical, because CNAs get a lot of their information—and misinformation—on social media, especially Facebook.
Not only do CNAs view their medical directors as their local medical experts, but many also see them as their personal physicians. This is especially common in rural areas that are short on doctors.
CNAs typically have good working relationships with their facility medical directors, who respect their hands-on experience and expertise, as well as their compassion for the residents they care for. This respect is greatly appreciated by CNAs, who are among the lowest-paid workers in health care and who often feel underappreciated. In addition, medical directors aren’t nursing home employees, and CNAs see them not only as credible but also as more independent than other nursing home leaders.
COVID Ups the Stakes
CNAs have a tough time, and COVID-19 has made it tougher. Even before the pandemic, they worked long hours, often at multiple jobs. But this past year has been hell for them. Many have been sick themselves; they’ve also lost residents they cared for and co-workers as well. Their jobs have been incredibly stressful and demanding, even as the demands on them at home have increased.
There are many reasons why CNAs aren’t getting vaccinated. Some have taken a “wait and see” attitude, while others harbor fears and concerns that they feel haven’t been addressed. Some would like to get vaccinated, but they can’t afford to take unpaid time off from work, especially if they get sick from side effects, or they don’t have transportation or child care.
And remember: CNAs have been on the front lines of battling this virus and watching it unfold for over a year. Either they’ve gotten it and survived, or they haven’t gotten it at all. The way they see it, they don’t need the vaccine. If they’ve gotten this far without it, why would they need it now?
Meeting Early, Lingering Concerns
I myself was wary of getting vaccinated at first. I thought those first vaccines came out too fast. They couldn’t be safe. But then my organization did a vaccine education webinar with AMDA, which represents medical directors serving long term care facilities and whose panelists were not only credible but open and respectful. They answered all my questions, so I came out in support of the vaccine and made my declaration to our members.
That’s who CNAs need to hear from: trusted medical experts at their facilities who will listen to their concerns about the vaccines and address them fully and respectfully. Very few administrators have time to do that—and I know, because I used to be a nursing home administrator, too.
I believe that the best way to persuade CNAs is to appeal to their desire to do good and protect others, especially their residents and co-workers. But they need to be heard out, and some of them may need logistical help as well.
Medical directors can play a strong role here. They can do one-on-ones with CNAs, either in person or virtually. They can speak at staff meetings or give webinars. They can be the go-to contact person at the facility for workers who have questions about the vaccines and respond via email or phone or in person.
To fully protect nursing home residents and workers against COVID-19, we need to vaccinate more CNAs. Medical directors of America, we trust you to answer our questions. When can we talk?
Lori Porter is co-founder and chief executive officer of the National Association of Health Care Assistants (NAHCA). She can be reached at