​As with virtually all Planetree initiatives, stage one of development began with the true authorities on the experience of living in long term care communities—residents themselves. An analysis of resident focus group data uncovered residents’ priorities and illuminated a number of meaningful aspects of the resident experience that may have been overlooked in existing resources.

Other authorities were also consulted to ensure the resource resonated across the long term care continuum and was applicable to long term care communities regardless of what model guides their culture change efforts.

Input was solicited from those representing the full spectrum of organizations, including integrated sites and stand-alone entities, not-for-profit and for-profit organizations, those serving different populations, and those implementing various culture change models.

In addition, through participation in roundtable discussions, telephone interviews, and serving as reviewers of early drafts, many passionate individuals and organizations participated in its creation.

The guide was also informed by the completion of site visits to 11 long term care communities across the nation with well-established cultures of person-centered care in order to identify and learn more about effective person-centered approaches for enhancing the resident, family, and staff experience.

Details of communities’ processes for shifting attitudes and behaviors as well as implementation specifics for individual practices are available to guide readers in their own change efforts.