OSHA Targeting High-Injury Workplaces
Lisa Gelhaus
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The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recently announced its Site-Specific Targeting 2011 plan, which includes about 300 nursing and personal care communities among sites being singled out for inspections. These communities have high rates of employee injury or illness.
The 300 communities have reported employee Days Away, Restricted, and Transfer (DART) case rates from between 13 to 16 days annually; or a Days Away From Work rate of 11 or 12 days annually.
Inspections will focus specifically on ergonomic stressors; exposure to blood and other potentially infectious materials; exposure to tuberculosis; and slips, trips, and falls.
If OSHA’s compliance officer finds additional hazards during the inspection, they will be cited as well. Assisted living communities categorized as residential care facilities by OSHA will be inspected for the same types of violations as nursing and personal care facilities.