The Case For Radical Hospitality
Wendell Anderson, CNA
Radical hospitality is what we extend and show to everyone who comes through the doors of our care center. Let me give you a bit of history to show you how we came to this idea, what it means, and how it has changed us.
Back in October 2003, I started my journey here at Maravilla Care Center. Under different management at the time, we were a traditional long term care facility. The people in our care were called “patients” or “residents,” and they lived by our rules. Breakfast was served at 7:30 a.m.—we never asked whether you had been up since 4:30 a.m., or whether you were even a “breakfast person.” Showers were scheduled and done on time, with no exceptions.
Program Inspires Change
This was the typical setting when I started my health care career in 1987. We didn’t know at the time how much things were going to change.
In 2004-2005, our facility was very close to being shut down. Instead, through a miracle of circumstances, we were chosen to spearhead a pilot program called PCC (person-centered care), in which people would be cared for as individuals, rather than as a group.
My co-workers and I were instantly sold on the idea. Because our director of nursing at the time was overwhelmed with excitement and zeal for this new program, we were given the tools needed to make this program a success.
As part of that transition, we began to refer to those in our care as our “neighbors.” It was an important change. In today’s society, many have lost a huge part of our human compassion and have become desensitized to the core values we were taught as children: namely, to take care of our loved ones.
So many of us have family members in long term care (both of my grandparents lived out their lives there). Let me ask you, what certified nurse assistant (CNA) wouldn’t rather spend more time with neighbors and families?
Philosophy Sheds New Light
Clearly this new PCC program was the change we needed, giving us a new focus and goal: to address the needs and preserve the dignity of our neighbors and to make this “transition of seasons” smooth for them. We decided to take the concept and kick it up a notch, by working even harder to show compassion and to be intentional and welcoming in our attitudes.
It Works
Before long, by transforming our building into a family atmosphere, our Maravilla team saw a difference—not only in our neighbor’s demeanor but in staff as well.
In 2007, our family was delighted to receive our new Administrator Jeff, who in a very short period of time took this PCC concept in a new direction and to exceedingly higher heights.

Now, our mission is, “Creating Life in Harmony with our Neighbors.” That’s radical hospitality!
Wendell Anderson, CNA, is a good neighbor to the people who live in the Maravilla Care Center, Phoenix. Anderson, who has worked in long term care for nearly 30 years, was inspired to join the profession after seeing the excellent care given to his grandfather in Dallas. He was named one of Provider’s 2014 20 To Watch in the profession.