Recent trends in workplace dynamics have underlined the importance of health care literacy, posing a pressing challenge for long term and post-acute care companies.
A 2023 Health Care Literacy Report from Optavise identified four key challenges, including:

  • knowledge gaps among employees in specific industries.
  • reduced direct involvement of HR in benefits education.
  • increased reliance on digital tools and social media for benefits communication.
  • growing dissatisfaction with benefits due to misunderstanding their scope and function.

To address these challenges, here are some potential strategies:  
1. Intensify Benefits Education: Employ a benefits expert to provide employee education and help bridge the knowledge gap. Regularly scheduled workshops, one-on-one consultations, and Q&A sessions can be effective. For employees who cannot leave their workstations, on-site sessions or webinars can be organized.  
2. Leverage Technology But Keep It Personal: Digital tools should complement—not replace—personal interactions. Online tools can be used for initial information dissemination, while detailed queries and doubts can be addressed in individual consultations.
3. Encourage Proactive Health Care Practices: Employers can encourage employees to use preventive care benefits, ensuring timely health check-ups and reducing the need for urgent care.  
4. Enable Informed Decisions: Employees should be equipped to make informed decisions about their health care. This includes understanding how to review their coverage each year, compare prices for care and medications, and check their bills for inaccuracies.
5. Targeted Communication: Tailor communication efforts to address the
needs of different employee demographics. Younger employees, those earning less, or those in industries with higher knowledge gaps may need more focused educational efforts.  

Addressing the health care literacy gap among employees is a formidable task, but doing so can lead to better health outcomes, increased satisfaction, and cost savings for both employees and employers.

At Compass Total Benefit Solutions, we leverage the latest technology and the resources of established industry partners to offer affordable, PPACA-compliant plans, but with the educational support to ensure your employees’ needs are addressed wherever and whenever necessary.

For more information about working with Compass Total Benefit Solutions, email Nick Cianci at or call him directly at (860) 416-5333.​