Comparison of Healthcare Costs Associated With Patients Receiving Traditional NPWT

Two large independent* economic studies demonstrated: 3M™ V.A.C.® Therapy delivers lower total cost to treat1,2

The newest health economic analysis2 of real-world health insurance claims data provided insights into the cost-effectiveness of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT). The analysis showed patients who received V.A.C.® Therapy had lower total and wound-related treatment costs than patients who received competitor NPWT in all wound types across all time periods studied.

Retrospective analysis of U.S. insurance claims database compared total and wound-related costs for patients who received V.A.C.® Therapy versus competitor NPWT in the outpatient setting between January 2016 and September 2018. Costs were compared across care settings and wound types at 30 days, 3 months, and 12 months after initial claim.


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1. Law A, Cyhaniuk A, Krebs B. Comparison of health care costs and hospital readmission rates associated with negative pressure wound therapies. Wounds. 2015 Mar;27(3):63-72. PMID: 25786078.
2. Law A L. Krebs B. Karnik B. Griffin L. Comparison of Healthcare Costs Associated With Patients Receiving Traditional Negative Pressure Wound Therapies in the Post Acute Setting. Cureus 12(11):e11790. DOI 10.7759/cureus.11790.
NOTE: Specific indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and safety information exist for these products and therapies. Please consult a clinician and product instructions for use prior to application. Rx only.
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