To address the gaps in knowledge about eye diseases, The National Eye Health Education Program (NEHEP) developed an educational initiative focused on raising awareness about eye health among older Americans.
The NEHEP Vision and Aging Program places special emphasis on promoting the importance of comprehensive dilated eye exams in the early detection of eye diseases and raising awareness about the role of vision rehabilitation services in helping people with vision loss maintain their independence and quality of life.

NEHEP has developed a “See Well for a Lifetime: An Educational Series on Vision and Aging” toolkit, which provides science-based educational tools and resources and easy-to-understand information to help staff in long term care facilities educate residents about protecting their vision as they age.

The toolkit is an online resource that contains three modules: “Making Vision a Health Priority,” “Age-Related Eye Diseases and Conditions,” and “Low Vision.” These resources can be downloaded for free at

To learn more about NEHEP activities and to access free educational resources, visit